Ten of Wands

Mermaid Couple Name: Luna and Ocean

Meaning: Luna and Ocean carry a heavy load of responsibility. The Ten of Wands signifies burdens, the completion of a cycle, and the need for balance. Their love supports them in managing their commitments with grace.

This card is all about putting down the heavy load you carry. It is a symbol acknowledging the weight is too much, and soon things must change. Reflect on if you are eager or fearful of the changes that are ahead. What do you imagine might happen if you drop the ball, so to speak. The cards come in cycles; after the 10, we return to the ace again. As you lay down the heavy burdens to rest, enjoy the moment. For as sure as each new day the sun will rise, so too will you start a new creative adventure after your rest.


I ease my burden.

Mermaid Type Tarot